Fast & Easy Dependances for RPM

Download last (fedrpm-0.3.tgz)

HELP NEED email to:
- need a webmaster.
- need a nice logo.
- need testers.
- need suggestions for improvement.
(You can send me all bugs you found but not send patch before version 1.0)

Addon in dev:
Use Curl for dl from one source

Use a conf file to specify:
	rpm sources
	target path (/ by default)

A equiv arch selector
	ex: for i686 search i686.rpm, then i586.rpm, ..., then noarch.rpm

------ (done in 0.4:)
multithread rpm downloader for upgrade/install 
(apt-get like)

Version 0.3 :
2002-06-18 (release 2002-07-19 oups )
        New order resolver ( WORK FINE !!!! )
        Short mode to use with kickstart file
        Put rpm database access in external obj
        Another cleaning code ( i code fast and crap ;) "need more and more cleaning" )

Version 0.2 :
        Full rewrite to clean the code...
        Recursive deps are now optional

Version 0.1 :
        First release on Sourceforge